Alice In Wonderland Jokes
8 alice in wonderland jokes and hilarious alice in wonderland puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about alice in wonderland that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Alice In Wonderland Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.
What is a good alice in wonderland joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
My Girlfriend has been repeatedly asking me Are you a character from Alice in Wonderland? and it's getting really annoying
My Friend asked me Are you mad at her?
I relied with Don't you start too
I said to my friend, My girlfriend keeps asking me if I'm an Alice in Wonderland character, and it's getting really annoying!
He said, Are you mad at her?
I said, Geez! Don't you start too!
What do you get when Sleeping Beauty gives a lecture...
What do you get when Sleeping Beauty gives a lecture on the Northern Lights to the people of Wonderland?
Aurora boring Alice.
I can relate to Alice in Wonderland.
She just keeps randomly eating and drinking with the hope that it might magically solve her problems
They're making a x rated version of Alice in wonderland where Alice is played by a dominiatrix
It's called Alice in chains
What did Alice take to get to Wonderland?
Alice D
How did Alice describe the data she collected in Wonderland?
Spuriouser and spuriouser
What date was the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland late for?
The third one.
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