
Airbender Jokes

24 airbender jokes and hilarious airbender puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about airbender that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Airbender Short Jokes

Short airbender jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The airbender humour may include short trilogy jokes also.

  1. Is Jon Stewart the Last Airbender? Because just when the world needed him most, he vanished.
  2. Aang - Airbender Katara — Waterbender
    Toph — Earthbender
    Zuko — Firebender
    Michael — Fassbender
    Fender — bender
  3. Aang - Airbender Katara — Waterbender
    Toph — Earthbender
    Zuko — Firebender
    Michael — Fassbender
    Fender — bender
  4. I don't understand why people think Toph is so cool for being the greatest earthbender in the world... but never give Aang any credit for being the greatest airbender in the world.
  5. If I was the last person on earth and f**...... I guess you could call me the Last Airbender

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Airbender One Liners

Which airbender one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with airbender? I can suggest the ones about avatar and sequel.

  1. The last Airbender was so bad that Aang had a permanent downvote drawn on his head.
  2. What do you call an Australian air-bender that was born in 1960? A boomerAang.
  3. What do you call a reverse Airbender? A Boomer Aang
  4. What is an Airbending master's favorite brand of bottled water? Arrowhead
  5. Why was the airbender afraid to face the fire lord? He had an aangxiety disorder.
  6. Avatar The Last Airbender Movie thats it
  7. What do you call a communist airbender? A sharebender
  8. What did they call The Last Airbender when he returned when he was old? Boomeraang
  9. If AirBenders bend air and WaterBenders bend water... are Yoga instructors Body Benders?
  10. What do you call the prince of the airbenders? The air to the throne.
  11. M. Night Shamalan should do a remake of The Last Airbender It would be such a twist!
  12. Chuck Norris is the reason why there's only one airbender left.
  13. What do you call a heist pulled off by an airbender? A b**...

Airbender joke, What do you call a heist pulled off by an airbender?

Uproarious Airbender Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time

What funny jokes about airbender you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean avengers jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make airbender pranks.

My 7 year old just came up with these Avatar: The Last Airbender jokes. We were quite surprised.

What kind of music does Toph like?
- Rock-and-Roll
What kind of instrument does Aang play?
- Air guitar
I know it's not much, but I got a kick out of his reasoning and decided to share.

Airbender joke, What do you call a communist airbender?