
Ahem Jokes

9 ahem jokes and hilarious ahem puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about ahem that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Great Ahem Jokes to Share, Laugh and Enjoy with Friends

What is a good ahem joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Mr. Zuckerberg how do you sustain a business model in which users don't pay for your services?

Zuckerberg: 1010011010 .......Ahem
Zuckerberg: Senator, we run ads

A pony walks into a bar

Bartender: What'll it be?
Pony: I'll *ahem* have a *cough cough* beer.
Bartender: You got a cough?
Pony: Yeah *ahem* I'm a little horse.

How did one pant leg get the other pant leg's attention?

I feel like that joke was a waist.

What do you say to get a tailor's attention?


I've written a very short poem about myself.

\*ahem\* Here it goes;

How can I draw attention to the fact this skirt is too long?


What did one phlegm say to another?


*Ahem, ahem* So...

♫ A needle pulling thread... ♫

If at first you don't succeed, try try again.

If at first you don't succeed, try again.

Ahem joke, If at first you don't succeed, try try again.

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Ahem joke, If at first you don't succeed, try try again.

Ahem joke, If at first you don't succeed, try try again.