Agreeableness Jokes
20 agreeableness jokes and hilarious agreeableness puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about agreeableness that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Agreeableness Short Jokes
Short agreeableness jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The agreeableness humour may include short jokes also.
- My self help book told me agreeableness can bring my girlfriend closer. But when she say's, 'I'm fat', I have to leave the room.
- I did not like the results of a personality test I took The test ranked me low on agreeableness.
- A s**... donor, a lumberjack, and an agreeable man walk into a bar. He came, he saw, he concurred.
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Agreeableness One Liners
Which agreeableness one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with agreeableness? I can suggest the ones about and .
- Agreeable Caesar He came, he saw, and he concurred.
- Did you hear about the agreeable French pig? He went oui oui oui, all the way home!
- Which day is the most agreeable? Yesterday
- What do you call an agreeable neighbor? ....a yaybor.
- Vegans are very agreeable people You just can't have any beef with them.
- What do you call an agreeable ghost? BOO-YA!
- What do you call an agreeable Italian hippie? Goombah Ya!
Agreeableness Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about agreeableness you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make agreeableness pranks.
I guess some things will never change...
I hired a temp while my secretary was on maternity leave.
Trying to arrive at an agreeable wage, I asked what she expected to earn.
She said, "Well... the minimum I could work for is $400 a week.
"I told her I'd give her that much with pleasure. She shook her head and replied,
"With pleasure, it'll be $600 a week."
How Worcestershire Sauce got its name
In the late 1800s in New Orleans a chef in a restaurant had just whipped up a concoction to be applied to meat and he asked a waiter to take it out to a well-lubed patron for a test. The diner was of course most agreeable and added quite a bit of it to his cut of beef. Upon tasting it, he rather liked it and turned around to hail the waiter by clumsily calling out, "Hey, whorsh diss'here sauce??", and so the name was thereupon given.
the knights
What is the name of the knight who moonlights as a geologist?
Sir Vey
What is the name of the agreeable knight?
Sir Tenly
What is the name of the Knight who used to be a s**...?
Sir Vent
What are the names of the Knights who run the graduation ceremony?
Sir Amony and Sir Tiffy Cashien
What is the name of the Knight who is also an OB/GYN?
Sir Vix
What is the name of the Knight on l**...?
Sir Real
What is the name of the Knight who makes pottery?
Sir Amik Vaze
What is the name of the Knight who also works in the OR?
Sir Jen
What is the name of the Knight who is totally radical?
Sir Fer
What is the name of the Knight who is a great trader?
Sir Plus
What is the name of the French Knight?
Sir Render.
What is the name of the Knight who never loses?
Sir Vivyn
What is the name of the Knight who enjoys practical jokes?
Sir Prize!
What is the name of the Knight who is always in the lead?
Sir Pass
What is the name of the Firefly class Knight?
Sir Renitee
What is the name of the really sketchy Knight?
Sir Spishus
(all credit for those above goes to /u/NedryOS)
What's the name of the knight who is always sure of himself?
Sir Ten (creds to /u/loufizzle)
what is the name of the knight who loves snakes?