Adrian Jokes
42 adrian jokes and hilarious adrian puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about adrian that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
From Adrian the dreamer to Justin the comedian and Andrew the joker, find out why the Adrian name is associated with all kinds of jokes! This article explores the reasons why Adrian is the butt of many jokes, and how to make it more fun.
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Funniest Adrian Short Jokes
Short adrian jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The adrian humour may include short elaborate jokes also.
- The best thing about Adrian Peterson's suspension... ...he gets to spend more time with the kids.
- Adrian Peterson just announced his retirement from the NFL and will be joining the Minnesota Twins as a switch hitter.
(Sorry, news was too depressing not to joke about it) - I heard the Minnesota Twins were interested in Adrian Peterson... They need a good Switch Hitter!
- BREAKING NEWS: Adrian Peterson has been traded to the Minnesota Twins They needed a switch hitter
- Press Release: "Big thank you to Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice" Sincerely,
Tony Stewart's PR Team - Did you guys here the Twins signed Adrian Peterson? Word is they needed a switch hitter...
- NFL running back Adrian Peterson is officially a free agent. Which is a step in the right direction for him because it means he'll be switching teams instead of his kids.
- Adrian Veidt's wife walks into his bedroom and finds him with another woman. As she approaches him with angry tears, he says "I did it 35 minutes ago."
- Adrian Peterson will retire from football and play for the Twins The twins are reportedly very excited to be getting a switch hitter.
- In light of recent events... ...I believe Adrian Peterson should start playing Major League Baseball.
He'd be a great *switch* hitter.
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Adrian One Liners
Which adrian one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with adrian? I can suggest the ones about hairdresser and logic.
- I hear Adrian Peterson is getting into baseball... Apparently he's a great switch hitter.
- Why would Adrian Peterson be a great baseball player? Because he's a switch hitter
- The New York Yankees Officially Sign Adrian Peterson They needed a good switch hitter.
- What's Adrian Peterson's favorite gaming system? Nintendo Switch
- New York Yankees sign Adrian Peterson They were looking for a good switch hitter
- What do Pete Rose and Adrian Peterson have in common? They are both switch hitters.
- Did you guys hear Adrian Peterson got traded to the Twins? They needed a switch hitter.
- Where will Adrian Peterson go after he retires? The Valhalla Fame.
- How many kids does Adrian Peterson have? More than you can shake a stick at
- What Do You Call Adrian Peterson Playing Baseball? A switch hitter.
- What gift won't Adrian Peterson's kids ask their dad for? A Switch.
- What console will Adrian Peterson be getting his kids for Christmas? The Switch.
- What's Adrian Peterson's favorite video game console? Nintendo Switch
- If Adrian Peterson played baseball, how would he bat? Switch Hitter
- Why should Adriane Peterson play baseball? Cause he is a switch hitter.

Witty Adrian Jokes for Laughter-Filled Fun with Friends
What funny jokes about adrian you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean refer jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make adrian pranks.
Dave, a disgruntled parent was talking to Adrian Peterson at the playground.
Dave: "Man, these children are crazy"
Adrian: "I hear ya bro. Mine is out of control"
Dave: "We should switch kids this weekend"
Adrian: "Already tried that, got in a little trouble with the law"
Why did Adrian Peterson sign with the Minnesota Twins?
Because they needed a switch-hitter.