
Addictive Jokes

30 addictive jokes and hilarious addictive puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about addictive that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Addictive Short Jokes

Short addictive jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The addictive humour may include short addicted jokes also.

  1. My girlfriend is fed up of my constant wordplay jokes, so I asked her, "How can I stop my addiction?" "Whatever means necessary," she replied.
    "No it doesn't," I said.
  2. My girlfriend just dumped me because of my gambling addiction. But I know I can win her back.
  3. There's a support group for people addicted to plastic surgery... The head of the group walks in and says, "I'm seeing a lot of new faces this week, and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed."
  4. My wife said she is leaving me because of my addiction to anti-depressants... Guess I won't be needing those anymore.
  5. My girlfriend said, I am breaking up with you because of your addiction of wearing a different t-shirt every half an hour. I said, Wait! I can change.
  6. "Hello everyone, welcome to plastic surgery Addicts Anonymous." "I see a lot of new faces here tonight, and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed."
  7. So I bought a pair of shoe from a drug addict yesterday. .. ... And I dunno what he laced them with but I've been trippin ever since
  8. Help! I can't stop reading fantasy novels with female protagonists... ...I'm a heroine addict.
  9. Plastic surgery anonymous "Hello everyone, welcome to plastic surgery addicts anonymous, I see a lot of new faces here today and I have to say I'm really disappointed with you all..."
  10. My wife is fed up with my constant stream jokes, so I asked her, "How can I stop my addiction?!" She shot back, "Whatever means necessary!!" I chuckled, "No it doesn't!"

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Addictive One Liners

Which addictive one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with addictive? I can suggest the ones about compulsive and drug addicts.

  1. My wife left me because of my gambling addiction But I know I can win her back
  2. I'm addicted to seaweed. I must seek kelp.
  3. I *SWEAR* I'm not addicted to brake fluid... I can stop whenever I want
  4. I was addicted to soap… But now I'm clean
  5. My family insists i am addicted to drinking brake fluid. But i can stop any time i want.
  6. I used to be addicted to soap.... I'm clean now.
  7. what do you do when you're addicted to seaweed? Seek Kelp.
  8. What do you call a religious drug addict? A crystal methodist.
  9. I'm addicted to having money in the bank. And I really do suffer from withdrawals.
  10. I used to be addicted to thanksgiving leftovers I had to quit cold turkey
  11. My struggle with steroid addiction has only made me stronger.
  12. The worst part about an apple addiction… Is that you can't go and see a doctor about it
  13. I have an addiction to brake fluid. The good news is I can stop anytime I want.
  14. I used to be addicted to the hokey pokey... ...but then I turned myself around.
  15. What's the worst part of an apple addiction? You can't see a doctor about it.

Addictive joke, What's the worst part of an apple addiction?

Great Addictive Jokes to Share, Laugh and Enjoy with Friends

What funny jokes about addictive you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean obsessive jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make addictive pranks.

If I was addicted to m**... and then I got addicted to s**......

Would it be safe to assume my addiction got out of hand?

If a guy is addicted to m**... but then gets addicted to s**......

Is it fair to say his addiction is getting out of hand?

My parents used to tell me that drug dealers would offer me free drugs until i got addicted to them, then they would charge me extremly high prices for it once i got addicted.

Looking at games in the App Store, I think all those drug dealers turned to game developers.

Welcome to m**... Addicts Anonymous!

I see everyone came today, which is disappointing.

Addictive joke, Welcome to m**... Addicts Anonymous!