Abyss Jokes
7 abyss jokes and hilarious abyss puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about abyss that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Hilarious Fun Abyss Jokes to Bring Joy & Laughter with Friends
What is a good abyss joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
I had a dream that I kept falling into a big round dark abyss.
That's it. Thats the hole dream.
What do you call a sarcastic abyss?
A sar-chasm.
A 90 year old billionaire was dragged into the abyss by the tentacles of a Lovecraftian Old God...
It was an elder rich horror.
NASA just reported they have lost contact with Voyager 1 after it crashed into something in the dark abyss of space
Apparently they found my ex's heart, which drains all energy.
Chuck Norris once stared into the abyss...
...and it looked away.
Capitalism is dancing at the edge of the abyss.
Socialism, of course, is one step ahead of them.
Chuck Norris once stared into the abyss...
It blinked.
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