
90 Seconds Jokes

28 90 seconds jokes and hilarious 90 seconds puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about 90 seconds that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest 90 Seconds Short Jokes

Short 90 seconds jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The 90 seconds humour may include short 60 minutes jokes also.

  1. My girlfriend thinks Conor Mcgregor and I are the same. Boy did he proved her wrong last night. Lasted way longer than 90 seconds.
  2. Pete Rose had a 90 second ovation at the all star game. It brought a tear to his eye.... Because he took the over.
  3. Why are 9/11 victims such good readers? They can go through 90 stories in under 10 seconds!
  4. The parade has been on for more than 1.5 minutes and now I'm confused... ... because at the beginning, the announcer clearly said "Welcome to the 90-second Thanksgiving Day parade!"
  5. My s**... life (Dirty) My s**... life is like the Kentucky Derby, four hours of foreplay, and only 90 seconds of real action

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90 Seconds One Liners

Which 90 seconds one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with 90 seconds? I can suggest the ones about 30 seconds and 45 minutes.

  1. Apparently someone in London gets stabbed every 90 seconds. Poor guy.
  2. Why are 9/11 victims great readers? They can go through 90 stories in 10 seconds
  3. 9/11 victims are the fastest readers They went through 90 stories in 10 seconds.
  4. My wife says I'm a lot like Wordle Not that hard and only fun for 90 seconds.
  5. Want to Hulu and chill? There's like 90 seconds of ads so you won't miss any of the show.

Amusing & Witty 90 Seconds Jokes for Laughter-Filled Fun

What funny jokes about 90 seconds you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean thirty seconds jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make 90 seconds pranks.


Two friends were walking by when they saw a poster with a joke on it. It said "Are you cold at the moment? Come to the corner, it's 90 degrees."
"Wow," said the first friend. "That's acute joke."
"Eh, not really." said the second friend. "Actually it's all right."

A 90 year old woman had just lost her husband of 70 years. She phoned the local paper to put her loss in the obituary.

The receptionist tells her that its £1 per word.
"Oh my. I don't have much money so can you just write 'Mort is dead,' please?"
Feeling sorry for the poor old lady, the receptionist tells her she can have another 3 words, free of charge.
The recently widowed OAP thinks for a second and says: " Mort is dead. Volvo for sale."

A 90 year old woman is getting married for the fourth time.

A news crew is there to document the story. The reporter asks the woman about her odd marital past. "Let me get this right," he says. "Your first husband was a banker. Your second husband was a clown. Your third husband was a doctor, and you're about to marry a mortician. Why the menagerie of different men?" She smirked and said "It was one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and four to go."

An Accordion Player Stops For Beer

An accordion player stops at a convenience store to grab a six pack.
As he's closing the car door he sees his accordion in the back seat and has a split thought that maybe he should put it in the trunk, but then thinks nah, he's literally gonna be just 20 feet away for 2 minutes.
The guy's in the shop for only 90 seconds, but as he's coming out sees that his rear window has been smashed. He shouts "oh no, not again"!
He looks in the back seat, and sure enough, there's three accordions.

There was a man who wasn't creative

He named his kids numbers in the order they were born (the first child was 1, second child 2 and so on)
After he had 100 kids , a fire burned his house down leaving only one child. 90
90 grew up and had his own kids that weren't creative and when they saw a stray dog , they took him in and called him 'that'
One hot summer day 'that' was run over by a car
Ofc they replaced 'that' but they never forgot him
Only 90's kids remember that

A 90 year old man wins the Powerball for 400 million dollars..

He arrives at the press conference, accepts his giant check and teary eyed with joy proceeds to take questions from the media storm. First reporter asks "What is your full name?" He replies his name is Ira Mandelbaum. Second reporter asks "What are you going to do now?" Ira replies "First, I am going to buy all of my children their own homes. Next, I am going to buy myself a nice car. Then I am going to set-up college funds for my grandchildren. After all the I am going to build a huge statue of h**... in my front yard." The reporters all get quiet until someone finally says "Sir, you just said you wanted to build a tribute to h**..., why on earth after all he had done to our people would you do this?" Ira pauses, looks him in the eye, rolls up his sleeve and says "Simple, he gave me the numbers."

Three Old Men

Three old men are sitting on the porch of a retirement home.
The first says: "Fellas, I got real problems. I'm 75 years old. Every morning at 7:00, I get up and I try to urinate. All day long I try to urinate. They give me all kinds of medicine but nothing helps."
The second old man says: "You think you have problems. I'm 80 years old. Every morning at 8:00, I get up and try to move my bowels. I try all day long. They give me all kinds of stuff but nothing helps."
Finally the third old man speaks up: "Fellas, I'm 90 years old. Every morning at 7:00 sharp I urinate. Every morning at 8:00 sharp I move my bowels. Every morning at 9:00 sharp I wake up."

A lucky 95 year old grandpa found Alaadin magic lamp in his attic.

After he touched it, a genie came out and said, "since it Christmas time, you may ask ONLY ONE wish." Grandpa thought for a bit and said: oh ya, can you build me a bridge from the NY city to London, across the atlantic. Genie replied, "come on grandpa, that's a hassle for me, and it is cold in the Atlantic now, pick an easier wish."
Grandpa paused for a second and said.. Oh ya! Can you make my wife young and hot like those TV supermodels. Genie replied: "Of course! that's a super easy task. How old is your wife?" Grandpa replied, "90, and here is a picture of her now!" Genie replied, "Awesome!!! Would you like the bridge one lane or two lanes?"

Two students go skiing..

Two students decide to go skiing for the weekend, and are having such a good time they decide to blow off the (calculus, I believe) exam that they have scheduled for Monday morning in order to get some final runs in before they head back to school. They decide to tell the prof that they got a flat tire and therefore deserve to take the exam at a rescheduled time.
Hearing the story, said professor agrees that it really was just bad luck, and of course they can take the exam later. At the appointed time, the prof greets them and places them in two separate rooms to take the exam.
The few questions on the first page are worth a minor 10% of the overall grade, and are quite easy. Each student grows progressively confident as they take the test, sure that they have gotten away with fooling the professor. However, when they turn to the second page they discover that they really haven't.
The only question on the page, worth 90% of the exam, reads: "Which tire was flat?"

Which tire was flat?

Two students decide to go skiing for the weekend, and are having such a good time they decide to blow off the (calculus, I believe) exam that they have scheduled for Monday morning in order to get some final runs in before they head back to school. They decide to tell the prof that they got a flat tire and therefore deserve to take the exam at a rescheduled time.
Hearing the story, said professor agrees that it really was just bad luck, and of course they can take the exam later. At the appointed time, the prof greets them and places them in two separate rooms to take the exam.
The few questions on the first page are worth a minor 10% of the overall grade, and are quite easy. Each student grows progressively confident as they take the test, sure that they have gotten away with fooling the professor. However, when they turn to the second page they discover that they really haven't.
The only question on the page, worth 90% of the exam, reads: "Which tire was flat?"

Interview with the 3x Widow (Clean Joke)

A journalist for a local newspaper was an interviewing an old woman who had been married three times before and was about to embark on her fourth marriage at the ripe old age of 90.
**Interviewer**: "Please give me a quick run down of the men you married in the past",
**Old Lady**: "We'll my first husband was the CEO of a bank. He died from a heart attack from stress. God bless him.
My second husband was so much different. He was a circus performer. He could s**... swords, walk a tight rope, and tame lions. Unfortunately, one of the lions wasn't fed one day, and I was single once again.
My third husband was the minister for my past two husbands funerals. I'm happy to say that he passed away peacefully surrounded by his friends and family.
And my soon to be fourth husband is the mortician who buried all three of my former husbands. He has always been there for me and is a kind man. I love him dearly.
**Interviewer**: Wow, that's a quite variety of men. So how would you summarize your love life?
**Old Lady**: Well, I guess you could say, I married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go.

A genie appears in an African tribe...

A genie appears in an African tribe to grant a wish to every villager.
He makes them line up and asks them one by one what they would like.
The first: I want to be white. The genie turns him white.
The second: I want to be white. The genie turns him white.
A guy in the middle of the line moves to the end of the line, grinning wildly.
The 3rd: I want to be white. The genie turns him white.
The following 10: I want to be white.
The guy in the back starts to laugh.
The 25th : I want to be white...
The guy is now exploding with laughter.
The 40 th, 50 th ... : I want to be white...
The 60th, 70th 80th: I want to be white...
By now the guy can hardly stand, he's laughing so hard it hurts.
The 90 th, 95 th ... 99th : They all wish to be white...
When it's finally the last guy's turn, it takes him 15 minutes to control his laughter enough to make his request.
He says : I wish for all of them to be black again.

A guy goes into this bar, sits down and orders a drink.

While waiting, he sees a guy sitting at the bar who has a very big muscular body but a little tiny head.
So, he asks the guy, "How is it that you have such a huge body and a small head?"
The guy replied, "I was walking along the beach one day and I came across this bottle buried halfway in the sand. So I picked it up, brushed away the sand, and out popped this fine female genie. She said she would grant me three wishes for releasing her."
"For my first wish, I asked for ten-million dollars, and p**... right there on the sand was $10,000,00."
"For my second wish, I asked for a luxury yacht, and p**... right there on the ocean was a 90-foot yacht."
"Finally for my third wish, I asked to have s**... with the genie, but she said that genies were not allowed to indulge in that kind of activities."
So, I said, "c'mon, how about a little head?"