
1997 Jokes

7 1997 jokes and hilarious 1997 puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about 1997 that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Comedy 1997 Jokes to Make Your Friends Giggle

What is a good 1997 joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Did you know that Jim Carrey lost the use of his left hand for a month in 1997?

He was all righty then.

Three men walk into a car part store...

I need taillights for a Mustang the first one says. What year? the employee asks. 2015 he answers. There you go , the worker hands in the parts. The second guy goes to the counter, saying I need a steering wheel for a Mustang . What year?
1997 he answers. There you go . After he payed, the third guy comes to the counter. I need rear suspensions for a Mustang . There you go .

Trying to find an old "man/woman" joke from 1997 newsgroup

Back in the late 90's, I saw a joke about a man and a woman. They decided they would take turns, writing a book together.
The woman starts out writing this love story, then, the man turns it into a war story and they end up in a huge fight. If anyone has this classic, or a link to it, I would really appreciate if you could share it.

You have to give Prince Phillip credit for his driving record....

He hasn't been involved in any other accidents since 1997.

Oh! So you were in Yale?

Oh! So you were in Yale?
Yuly 1997 to Yune 1999!

To be fair to Prince Phillip...

He hasn't been involved in a car accident since 1997

I recently found my Journal from my trip to Europe. Allow me to share an entry.

August 30, 1997, 11:49pm - [Paris]
Woah! Princess Diana just waved and smiled at me from her car! What are the odds!

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