10 Reasons Jokes
23 10 reasons jokes and hilarious 10 reasons puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about 10 reasons that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest 10 Reasons Short Jokes
Short 10 reasons jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The 10 reasons humour may include short top ten jokes also.
- Hey girl, are you click bait? Because I see 10 reasons why you're perfect and you won't believe #5
- Why are 1980 pennies worth more than 1979 pennies? (Dads joke) The same reason 10 pennies is worth more than 9.
- The reason I have only broken 9 out of the 10 Commandments... ...is because I would have to be one sick and twisted individual to use the Lord's name in vain!
- People think I have ADHD and I really don't.. To prove it I'll give you 10 reasons why Football is better than rugby
- Buzzfeed is running out of employees. Employer: Give me 10 reasons why we should hire you.
Interviewed: Here's 10 reasons why you should hire me; #6 Will surprise you! - I figured out what there wasn't a windows 6, but there was a windows 7 Because 6 was afraid of 7.
And why was that?
The same reason there was't a windows 9 between 8 and 10.
Because 7 ate 9.
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10 Reasons One Liners
Which 10 reasons one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with 10 reasons? I can suggest the ones about 10 ten and number 10.
- 10 reasons why men are lazy 10 reasons why men are lazy:
1) - 10 reasons why doctors use defibrillators... Number 4 will shock you!
- The true reason why Microsoft decided to roll with Windows 10 789
10 Reasons Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about 10 reasons you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean religious reasons jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make 10 reasons pranks.
A mob dragged a man into a police station for running over 11 people, while shouting "Monster!" "m**...!" "Killer! ".
The policeman dispersed the crowd and began to interrogate the suspect.
The policeman : Tell me what happened.
The suspect : Sir I was driving home within the speed limit when my brakes failed. I had no choice but to either c**... the car into a group of 10 people or to swerve into the direction of a single person. Am I a monster for deciding to swerve into the single person?
Policeman : No, that sounds like a difficult yet reasonable decision to make. But tell me how did you end up killing 11 people?
Suspect : Well that a**... ran towards the other 10.
Whenever I feel depressed in life.. I open my E-Mail spam inbox
I find:
* 10 banks are giving me easy loans.
* I have won GBP 10000000 and USD 500000 for unknown reasons.
* 10 Job companies have best jobs for me.
* 5 matrimonial sites have most suited matches for me.
* Dr. Batra has claimed that he will cure my hair fall.
* 3 universities are giving me degrees in random subjects.
* And Approx 40-50 mails from different girls who are feeling lonely and want to meet me.
Ten reasons why hockey is better than women
1: In hockey, everyone likes rough.
2: You only get 5 minutes for fighting.
3: Puck is not a dirty word.
4: You don't have to play in the neutral zone.
5: It is possible to score a few times a night.
6: When you "pull the goalie," nobody gets pregnant.
7: Missing teeth doesn't stop you from scoring.
8: You can always get new wood if your stick breaks.
9: The Zamboni cleans up your mess.
10: Periods last twenty minutes!
Whenever I feel depressed in life. ..
Whenever I feel depressed in life.. I open my E-Mail inbox...
I find: 1) 10 banks are giving me easy loans.
2) I have won GBP 10000000 and USD 500000 for unknown reasons.
3) 10 Job companies have best jobs for me.
4) 5 matrimonial sites have most suited matches for me.
5) 3 universities are giving me degrees in random subjects.
I think I just figured out why 7 ate 9
If 7 ate 6, it would have been odd and not to mention out of order of 7.
If 7 ate 10, again it still would have been odd to most people.
So i figured the reason 7 ate 9 is just to get even.
I took a look at my wife one day and said ...
... "Honey, 25 years ago, we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a small sofa bed and watched a 10 inch black and white TV, but at least I got to sleep with a hot 25-year-old blonde every night.
Now, we have a nice house, nice cars, big king size bed and plasma screen TV, but now I'm sleeping with a 50-year-old woman. It seems to me that you are not holding up your side of things."
My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me to go out and find a hot 25-year-old blonde, and she would make sure that I would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed and she would buy me a 10-inch black & white TV.
Three prisoners
There men are sentenced to 10 years in prison. However, the judge has allowed them an unlimited supply of whatever they want, within reason. The first man requests any meals he wants, it is granted. The second man requests any drinks he wants, it is granted. The third man requests any cigarettes he wants, and it is granted.
Ten years later, the prisoners are released. The first man is let out of his cell, much fatter than before.
The second man is released... stumbles three steps, and falls over.
The third man is released from his cell, walks out, and asks "does anyone have a lighter?"
Vacation in Jamaica
Lady goes on vacation to Jamaica. Upon arriving, she meets a black
man, and after a night of passionate love making she asks him, 'What
is your name?'
'I can't tell you,' the black man says.
Every night they meet and every night she asks him again what his
name is, and he always responds the same, he can't tell her. On her
last night there she asks again 'Can you please tell me your name?'
'I can't tell you my name because you will laugh at me.' says the black man.
'There is no reason for me to laugh at you,' the lady says.
'Fine, my name is Snow!' the black man replies. And the lady bursts
into laughter, and the black man gets mad and says, ' I knew you
would make fun of it'.
The lady replied, 'I'm not making fun of your name. I'm thinking of
my husband who won't believe me when I tell him that I enjoyed 10 inches
of Snow every day in Jamaica.💃🗻🍆
25 years of marriage
Married 25 years, I took a look at my wife one day and said, "Honey, 25 years ago, we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a 10 inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep every night with a hot 25 year old blond. Now, we have a nice house, nice car, big bed and plasma screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 50 year old woman. It seems to me that you are not holding up your side of things."
My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me to go out and find a hot 25 year old blond, and she would make sure that I would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed
Reasons to allow drinking at work
1. It's an incentive to show up.
2. It reduces stress
3. It leads to more honest communications.
4. It reduces complaints about low pay.
5. It cuts down on time off because you can work with a hangover.
6. Employees tell management what they think, not what management wants to hear.
7. It helps save on heating costs in the winter.
8. It encourages carpooling.
9. Increases job satisfaction because if you have a bad job you don't care.
10. It eliminates vacations because people would rather come to work.
11. It makes fellow employees look better.
12. It makes the cafeteria food taste better.
13. Bosses are more likely to hand out raises when they have had a couple of drinks.
14. Salary negotiations are a lot more profitable.
20 reasons why chocolate is better than s**...
1. you can *get* chocolate.
2. 'if you love me you'll s**... it' has real meaning with chocolate.
3. chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft.
4. you can safely have chocolate while driving.
5. you can make chocolate last as long as you want it to.
6. you can have chocolate in front of your mother.
7. if you bite the nuts too hard the chocolate doesn't mind.
8. two people of the same s**... can have chocolate without being called n**... names.
9. the word 'commitment' doesn't scare off chocolate.
10. you can have chocolate on top of your worktable or desk during working hours without upsetting your coworkers.
11. you can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped.
12. you don't get hairs in your mouth with chocolate.
13. with chocolate there's no need to fake it.
14. chocolate doesn't make you pregnant.
15. you can have chocolate any time of the month.
16. good chocolate is easy to find.
17. you can have as many kinds of chocolate as you can handle.
18. you are never too young or too old for chocolate.
19. when you have chocolate it doesn't keep your neighbors awake.
20. with chocolate, size doesn't matter.